Sunday, February 3, 2008

Get All The Love You Want

Get All The Love You Want When You Give Away The Love You Need.


How many people do you know that say they are looking for love? How many people do you know who wouldn’t know love if love nibbled at their ear, kissed them on the cheek and whispered, “I heard you’re looking for me?”

It seems like most of us most of the time have the desire for the fix or the fulfillment of our idea of love. My hopes are that your relationships make your heart, soul, mind, and body sing so much that your aura screams, “YES!” and you want to bust out with a giggle or a loud laugh for how good you got it. Feels good; no it’s ecstatic, isn’t it? This is love at one of its highest spiritually sexual and sexually spiritual moments. This love is good and is so much more.

Here’s a strategy gifted to you that will dramatically enhance your love life. All of us want the good stuff. A lot of us have discovered when we got to the good stuff too fast; the good stuff did not last. This strategy gifted to you will make getting to the good stuff a sweeter process that gets better.

Whatever it is of love that you need most, not want most, find a way to give it away. Giving always produces results just like planting seed. Giving away what you need is like sowing seeds to grow a flower garden.

When you want to experience love and beauty, then you must create experiences of love and beauty and give them away for many others to experience. When you have done this, the process will have been engaged. Don’t stop when you start giving. Keep on giving. The more you give away the love in your heart, the more you grow a garden of beauty, a garden of love; just like the patch of Earth you give the seed to will later give you a patch of Earth covered in beautiful flowers.

Since what you sow grows and what you give away grows, plant what you want to grow. You want to grow love, plant seeds of love by giving away most what you need and want for yourself.

When you have developed this loving, giving, and planting spirit; you will have become the lover, the one to be desired and pursued. Now, you have a new set of opportunities. You have choice.

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