Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who and What Are You Attracting?

Can I talk to friends for a moment? I need to talk, maybe cry on your shoulders. I am not sure. I am sure I need and want to talk.

I dealt with some disappointments recently. I disappointed a friend. I made a commitment I couldn’t keep. I was responsible and accounted for my behavior.

Second, I worked with a group of women recently in a project. I get on well with women, but not this time. This experience didn’t end well. I was angry possibly because I didn’t get my way.

Third, recently Bonnie and I traveled for a weekend in Paradise when we heard an interview on NPR with legendary college basketball coach John Wooten. Coach Wooten’s teams won 10 NCAA Basketball championships. That’s more than any other.

When asked when his team started winning, he replied, “When we started winning”. The interviewer asked what changed to turn your program into a winning one.

Coach Wooten’s responded he continued to train his players as hard as he had when training facilities and funding were inadequate. When they won their first championship better players came to UCLA. The more they won the better players they attracted.

The light bulb came on. I took a moment to ask myself, “Oscar, who and what are you attracting?”

Fourth, when we arrived in paradise, we met a woman who owns hotels in Florida. She’s from Norway. We share a birthday March 27th. We talked. She told me she grew up near the beach.

Whenever she had an emotional issue to deal with, she went to the beach and wrote it in the sand and waited for the tide to wash it away. When the tide washed it away, she believed her issue had been resolved.

A second light comes on later when I see “The Secret”. I learned about the law of attraction and asked myself again, “Oscar, who and what are you attracting”?

I immediately put the law to work for me. In the three weeks to follow, I was invited for three speaking engagements. An interview went public on the web. People offer to help raise money for film projects.

I attract beautiful people who are blessing my life and work. My friend forgave me for disappointing her. Thanks for listening. I needed to talk. I appreciate you!

Who and what are you attracting?

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