Friday, February 29, 2008

Accept Your Need To Heal

We cannot change anything until we accept it. Denial does not liberate, it oppresses.

C. G. Jung

Slavery is a deplorable condition that is unacceptable. It is still around even in the 21st Century. It lives on in the exploitation of women and children as sex slaves. It lives on as forced labor in some developing nations where it is yet acceptable to own other human beings and force them to serve against their will. It lives on in the victimization of the poor and elderly by people who mistreat them. Most civilized people regard this behavior as intolerably criminal.

What people living out enslaved experiences hope for above all is the privilege to be free, self - directing, and self – determining. Others amongst us live out the experience of slaves.

The woman who is regularly beaten by her husband or lover who does not recognize she has a choice lives out the life of a slave. Men, women, and children who live out lives of addiction may not have the personal power to make the choice to be free. Others are enslaved to debt, toxic relationships, poverty, sickness and disease. All live out their lives as slaves.

What conditions are you living in slavery to? What do you want to be free from? You can be free. Believe it!

Merriam – Webster’s Online Dictionary defines acceptance as the ability to recognize as true and take responsibility for. What condition do you need to recognize as true or accept personal responsibility for to be free to become the person you desire to be?

Do you need help to find the courage to deal with your demons that torture and enslave you? You can be free. Believe it!

Begin by accepting that your condition is real. Decide you are and will be responsible to getting the help you need to be free.

You are not alone. There are many who would offer you the loving encouragement you need to be successful in becoming free.

Your healing begins the moment you decide you are no longer willing to suffer. You can be free. You can begin your healing. Believe it. Start to make it happen!


Are you miserable because of conditions that make you feel powerless?

What conditions are you a slave to?

Are you ready to take the first step to freedom?

Do you love yourself enough to go for healing?

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