Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Let The Healing Begin, NOW!

For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness.

Reba McEntire

Merriam – Webster’s Online Dictionary reveals the word heal means to restore to original condition of health; physical and emotional. To heal is to care for, to doctor or minister to. It is to become healthy and strong again after illness or weakness, to recover from sickness, disease or injury, even those of the heart. To heal is to cure.

The words cancer, aids, leukemia, diabetes, kidney failure, liver or heart disease are dreaded when they are received as a personal diagnosis or the diagnosis of a close loved one. To many who hear the words, they sound like a death sentence while others take the words as a challenge to engage life to the fullest as never before.

Heartbreak, disappointment, anger issues, addictions, or painful experiences of abuse are the only conditions many know. Millions live with their pain for a life time without ever getting the healing help needed. Many never admit they need help. Living in denial is believed to be easier than bringing problems out in the open and getting help.

We all have scars on our personalities from personal pain we have experienced at the hands of people who said they loved us. What your/our fathers, mothers, siblings, friends, lovers or spouses did to you/us may indeed have caused extreme pain, physical and emotional. The question that must be answered in the present is how long we will allow past events dictate our present behavior and self – esteem in negative self – destructive ways not in our interests.

Wouldn’t NOW be a good time to mark the moment you are no longer willing to live with conditions and behavior that are killing you or persons close to your heart? Wouldn’t NOW be a good time to say no more, never again? Wouldn’t NOW be the time and the place to declare to the universe AND ONE PERSON your intent to heal?
If NOW is the time and you have declared your intent to the universe and one other person, then take the first step toward your new life. Know that you’re not alone. There are many of us walking towards healing. WE can do it, together. Let’s do it together. Come on! Let the healing begin, NOW!

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