Monday, March 3, 2008

Help Comes When You Call

There is no love which does not become help.

Paul Tillich

Why is it that when people are drowning they have no problem calling out for help? They scream loud. HELP! HELP! There is no thought for who knows or who is looking.

Why is it when some of us need help we are too proud to ask for it? Is pride or the image of pride so important we had rather maintain our sickness or sick conditions than get the help we desperately need?

The man who is being beat up regularly by his wife or girlfriend may be too ashamed to let anyone know. The depressed person seldom calls out for help. The addicted seldom call out for help. The lonely seldom call out for help.

Is it that people (we) really enjoy suffering so much or is it that we are too afraid to expose our inadequacies thinking others will think less of us when we do? Or, are we so connected to our problems that we are unwilling to give them up? Is it possible our identities are so tied to our problems we wouldn’t know who we are without them?

If you could choose right now to experience total healing from the conditions that cause you suffering and make you miserable, would you? Could you step beyond your pride, fear, and shame enough to get better? If it were that easy you would probably have already taken action on your own.

Your desire for healing is a very necessary first step. Asking for help is next. Difficult steps follow. Disclosure is not optional. What you can do in the meantime is talk to someone you trust. It will be necessary to tell someone your concern.

Talk to someone. Talk to them now. Get the emotional weight off yourself. You were never meant to carry it alone. Let someone love you enough to help.

Are you now ready to totally disclose to another person the nature of your concern?

Are you ready to begin your healing by building the foundation of the person you desire to become?

Are you ready to allow someone else to help you carry your load?

Are you ready to love yourself to health?

The MISSION of Inspirations for HEALING is to provide you information that will help you get well and stay well physically and emotionally.


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