Sunday, March 30, 2008

One Hour of Righteous Darkness

“Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness.”

Leonardo da Vinci

The people of United Earth demonstrated community March 28th at 8 PM in every time zone. The people were asked to participate in a voluntary black out for one hour. People were asked to turn off power not necessary to sustain human life.

From space, it appeared as if the lights were being dimmed one continent at the time as observers from the international space station looked down upon the beautiful garden world that is home to more than six billion citizens.
With the darkness came a still quietness and a slowing of human activity. For one moment of one hour, 60 minutes, 3600 seconds; the people of United Earth contemplated themselves, their thoughts of their lives, their loves, their families, the meaning of life.

Some enjoyed seductive moments to connect in the most intimate of ways like talking, seeing each other in candle light, enjoying great sex with the lights out; anything for the benefit of all humanity. Others stargazed, enjoyed favorite beverages and dreamed of a world at peace and prosperity where there is no war, no sex slave trade, no disease epidemics, no homelessness, no famine, and no illiteracy.

For one hour of righteous darkness, my wife Bonnie and I sat in a still calm quiet peace reflecting our 20 years together. We had sacrificed two of our favorite weekly sitcoms and the final minutes of he NCAA Tourney game between North Carolina and Louisville.

Our grandfather clock reminded us every time 15 minutes had passed and the hour seemed to be passing so quickly. We enjoyed the moment of shared thoughts of our travels, our children, and our grand children. We spoke of our yet unfolding dreams to be realized. The 30 minute and the 45 minute sound of the clock passed. We
breathed in the moment of shared temporal communion with all of Planet Earth. It felt good.

When the hour was becoming complete the calmest moment descended. The clock began it series of strikes to the hour; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. It was 9 PM. The shared moment was complete. We enjoyed this experience and plan to spend more time sharing of one hour of righteous darkness. What did you do in the shared moment of darkness?

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