Monday, March 3, 2008

After The Tears

Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.

Charles Dickens

After the rain, the Earth is refreshed. Mother is calm, quiet, and still. The air is clear. It is time for peaceful reflection. It is a time of new beginning.

After the tears, the body is refreshed. Soul is calm, quiet, and still. Thoughts are clear. Focus is keen. It is time for peaceful reflection. Hope is reborn. It is a moment of new beginning.

Dreams like a Phoenix’s ashes come back to life. Goals are set. Plans are made. Life is going somewhere again.

The path to healing’s growth and development always involves pain. First, there is the admission and acceptance that our current miserable condition is unacceptable. Second, there is the pain of overcoming the familiar inertia that wants to keep us right where we are, miserable. Third, there is the pain of doing the work necessary to achieve personal healing. Healing is always personal because nothing is real until it is personal. Fourth, there is the pain to maintain your healing because the past will try to pull you back.

The path to healing always involves pain. Birth is a painful messy experience yielding great beauty that cannot adequately be described. When a new baby arrives crying, it is a moment of tears for mother, father, and child.

Mother and father are thankful. To the child, it is all new.

It will be the same with your healing. You have never been here before. It is all new. After your tears, your new life as a healed person will begin.

The Phoenix must burst into flame, die, and be reborn from its ashes; us too!

What will you do with your new life? It has been said the best time to plan for peace is during the time of war.

Will you wear new clothes?

Will you wear a new attitude?

How will you celebrate your healing?

How will you protect your healing?

Are you willing to give up who you are to become who you desire to be?

If your answer is yes, you are ready for your healing to begin.

The MISSION of 40 DAYS of HEALING is to provide you information that will help you get well and stay well physically and emotionally.


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