Friday, February 29, 2008

Accept Your Need To Heal

We cannot change anything until we accept it. Denial does not liberate, it oppresses.

C. G. Jung

Slavery is a deplorable condition that is unacceptable. It is still around even in the 21st Century. It lives on in the exploitation of women and children as sex slaves. It lives on as forced labor in some developing nations where it is yet acceptable to own other human beings and force them to serve against their will. It lives on in the victimization of the poor and elderly by people who mistreat them. Most civilized people regard this behavior as intolerably criminal.

What people living out enslaved experiences hope for above all is the privilege to be free, self - directing, and self – determining. Others amongst us live out the experience of slaves.

The woman who is regularly beaten by her husband or lover who does not recognize she has a choice lives out the life of a slave. Men, women, and children who live out lives of addiction may not have the personal power to make the choice to be free. Others are enslaved to debt, toxic relationships, poverty, sickness and disease. All live out their lives as slaves.

What conditions are you living in slavery to? What do you want to be free from? You can be free. Believe it!

Merriam – Webster’s Online Dictionary defines acceptance as the ability to recognize as true and take responsibility for. What condition do you need to recognize as true or accept personal responsibility for to be free to become the person you desire to be?

Do you need help to find the courage to deal with your demons that torture and enslave you? You can be free. Believe it!

Begin by accepting that your condition is real. Decide you are and will be responsible to getting the help you need to be free.

You are not alone. There are many who would offer you the loving encouragement you need to be successful in becoming free.

Your healing begins the moment you decide you are no longer willing to suffer. You can be free. You can begin your healing. Believe it. Start to make it happen!


Are you miserable because of conditions that make you feel powerless?

What conditions are you a slave to?

Are you ready to take the first step to freedom?

Do you love yourself enough to go for healing?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Let The Healing Begin, NOW!

For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness.

Reba McEntire

Merriam – Webster’s Online Dictionary reveals the word heal means to restore to original condition of health; physical and emotional. To heal is to care for, to doctor or minister to. It is to become healthy and strong again after illness or weakness, to recover from sickness, disease or injury, even those of the heart. To heal is to cure.

The words cancer, aids, leukemia, diabetes, kidney failure, liver or heart disease are dreaded when they are received as a personal diagnosis or the diagnosis of a close loved one. To many who hear the words, they sound like a death sentence while others take the words as a challenge to engage life to the fullest as never before.

Heartbreak, disappointment, anger issues, addictions, or painful experiences of abuse are the only conditions many know. Millions live with their pain for a life time without ever getting the healing help needed. Many never admit they need help. Living in denial is believed to be easier than bringing problems out in the open and getting help.

We all have scars on our personalities from personal pain we have experienced at the hands of people who said they loved us. What your/our fathers, mothers, siblings, friends, lovers or spouses did to you/us may indeed have caused extreme pain, physical and emotional. The question that must be answered in the present is how long we will allow past events dictate our present behavior and self – esteem in negative self – destructive ways not in our interests.

Wouldn’t NOW be a good time to mark the moment you are no longer willing to live with conditions and behavior that are killing you or persons close to your heart? Wouldn’t NOW be a good time to say no more, never again? Wouldn’t NOW be the time and the place to declare to the universe AND ONE PERSON your intent to heal?
If NOW is the time and you have declared your intent to the universe and one other person, then take the first step toward your new life. Know that you’re not alone. There are many of us walking towards healing. WE can do it, together. Let’s do it together. Come on! Let the healing begin, NOW!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Tin Cup Walks for The Cure

Cancer still kills and people still band together to demonstrate their faith the time comes when this insidious and indiscriminate disease will no longer be a threat to human life. Until that time comes, people walk, pray, fund, and lend their hopes to the discovery of a cure.

Two days ago, on February 23, 2008, hundreds trekked up South Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona celebrating 25 years of The American Cancer Society Annual Walk for The Cure. The walk was like a scene from Sly and The Family Stone’s Classic, “Everyday People.” There were long ones, short ones, big ones, small one, rounds one, black ones, white ones; they came all to demonstrate their love and care for friends and family lost to cancer and for friends and family affected NOW!

One of my colleagues, Tin Cup, not his real name, walked very early on Saturday before we met at the office for a few hours. I know why Tin Cup Walks. This is very real and personal for him.

Tin Cup’s Mother - in - Law passed away from Cancer last year. Her daughter Tin Cup’s wife is currently waging battle. She is affected, too.

Cancer still kills and yet its presence brings with it incredible moments of love and beauty. Tin Cup’s grand daughter knows more about Cancer than little ones might know. She recently saw a program on television that talked about people giving their hair for hair pieces that people who have lost their hair as a result of Cancer treatments can have hair. She talked it over with her mother, Tin Cup’s daughter who has lost a close friend to Cancer. She consulted with her grand father and her grand mother who blessed this little one’s heart of love. As a child, she was not only willing to talk about giving to others her down her back hair, she did it.

The American Cancer Society celebrated 25 years of the walk this year. When walkers returned from their experience, they were tagged with stickers that read, “I MADE IT TO THE TOP.”

Cancer still kills but not as many people as it used to. There is a strong spirit alive of HOPE in the many that have been affected by this condition of disease. Their indomitable spirit joined with friends and supporters are making a difference. You can too. Support The American Cancer Society. Together, we all make a difference.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who and What Are You Attracting?

Can I talk to friends for a moment? I need to talk, maybe cry on your shoulders. I am not sure. I am sure I need and want to talk.

I dealt with some disappointments recently. I disappointed a friend. I made a commitment I couldn’t keep. I was responsible and accounted for my behavior.

Second, I worked with a group of women recently in a project. I get on well with women, but not this time. This experience didn’t end well. I was angry possibly because I didn’t get my way.

Third, recently Bonnie and I traveled for a weekend in Paradise when we heard an interview on NPR with legendary college basketball coach John Wooten. Coach Wooten’s teams won 10 NCAA Basketball championships. That’s more than any other.

When asked when his team started winning, he replied, “When we started winning”. The interviewer asked what changed to turn your program into a winning one.

Coach Wooten’s responded he continued to train his players as hard as he had when training facilities and funding were inadequate. When they won their first championship better players came to UCLA. The more they won the better players they attracted.

The light bulb came on. I took a moment to ask myself, “Oscar, who and what are you attracting?”

Fourth, when we arrived in paradise, we met a woman who owns hotels in Florida. She’s from Norway. We share a birthday March 27th. We talked. She told me she grew up near the beach.

Whenever she had an emotional issue to deal with, she went to the beach and wrote it in the sand and waited for the tide to wash it away. When the tide washed it away, she believed her issue had been resolved.

A second light comes on later when I see “The Secret”. I learned about the law of attraction and asked myself again, “Oscar, who and what are you attracting”?

I immediately put the law to work for me. In the three weeks to follow, I was invited for three speaking engagements. An interview went public on the web. People offer to help raise money for film projects.

I attract beautiful people who are blessing my life and work. My friend forgave me for disappointing her. Thanks for listening. I needed to talk. I appreciate you!

Who and what are you attracting?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Living Life Through The Pain of Love

Don't hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.”


How long does it take to get over abuse? Should a person be over the affects of abuse in a month, a year, a lifetime? What about an entire culture? How long should it take a culture to get over abuse?

How long should it take a woman to get over the experience of incest, rape, or domestic violence? How long should it take a child to get over the violence of adults who didn’t know how to love? Why do people who are supposed to love and care cause so much pain?

Bonnie St. John reports of a woman whose father used her for sex until she was 15. When he stopped, she wondered what she did wrong. How long should it take for her to get herself together and no longer be affected by what happened?

How long should it take men and women who fight in wars to get over the affects and horrors of war; a month, a year, a lifetime? How long does it take to get over abuse?

Ancestors of African Americans were forced to serve as sex slaves, field slaves, and domestic slaves for more than 240 years prior to the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863 by the 16th President of The United States, Abraham Lincoln. Another 100 years would pass before legislation would affect civil rights for African Americans. Some ask African Americans, “Can’t you just get over it?”

Are you living life through the pain of love right now? Are you tired of carrying the weight of your pain and not being able to get it out so you can work on getting help? How long do you intend to suffer through the pain of love working very hard to keep secret the abuses of a lifetime hoping no one will ever find out? If you are one struggling hard to keep your primary personal pain a secret, it is time to stop and take a page out of the 12 Step Programs Big Book.

People working recovery systems know for them to get well, it is necessary to talk out secrets and self destructive behavior, come clean and turn the light on to opportunity to work on getting better. There’s hope. You can get better.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Get All The Love You Want

Get All The Love You Want When You Give Away The Love You Need.


How many people do you know that say they are looking for love? How many people do you know who wouldn’t know love if love nibbled at their ear, kissed them on the cheek and whispered, “I heard you’re looking for me?”

It seems like most of us most of the time have the desire for the fix or the fulfillment of our idea of love. My hopes are that your relationships make your heart, soul, mind, and body sing so much that your aura screams, “YES!” and you want to bust out with a giggle or a loud laugh for how good you got it. Feels good; no it’s ecstatic, isn’t it? This is love at one of its highest spiritually sexual and sexually spiritual moments. This love is good and is so much more.

Here’s a strategy gifted to you that will dramatically enhance your love life. All of us want the good stuff. A lot of us have discovered when we got to the good stuff too fast; the good stuff did not last. This strategy gifted to you will make getting to the good stuff a sweeter process that gets better.

Whatever it is of love that you need most, not want most, find a way to give it away. Giving always produces results just like planting seed. Giving away what you need is like sowing seeds to grow a flower garden.

When you want to experience love and beauty, then you must create experiences of love and beauty and give them away for many others to experience. When you have done this, the process will have been engaged. Don’t stop when you start giving. Keep on giving. The more you give away the love in your heart, the more you grow a garden of beauty, a garden of love; just like the patch of Earth you give the seed to will later give you a patch of Earth covered in beautiful flowers.

Since what you sow grows and what you give away grows, plant what you want to grow. You want to grow love, plant seeds of love by giving away most what you need and want for yourself.

When you have developed this loving, giving, and planting spirit; you will have become the lover, the one to be desired and pursued. Now, you have a new set of opportunities. You have choice.