Saturday, December 29, 2007

Spirituality and Sexuality - Hardwired and Hotwired

Humans are hardwired and hotwired to express our spiritual and sexual nature from the cradle to the grave. We sit the top of the brain chain, spiritual and civilized, ready for every moment’s human and divine connection for a moment’s ecstasy. Hormones on fire are at the ready to get busy. This is who we are. This is what we do. The Creator has created us this way.

Spirituality and Sexuality are the great energies that empower and liberate the human spirit alive in our bodies to experience indescribable joy and sensory immortality. These are the paths of enlightened love, life, and peace. Sex and religion are about power and control, the paths of energy leading to slavery and addiction. Sex is the medium of the market place where the beauty of women’s bodies is used to sell every imaginable product.

Who teaches us how to live out this powerful energy alive inside us seeking expression? Why is the conversation of spirituality and sexuality’s most literal context, the place where most of us live and try to make sense out of our lives everyday, so difficult for many? Why must so many children grow up spiritually and sexually ignorant become spiritually and sexually ignorant adults.

How is our powerful spiritual and sexual energy to be factored into our quest for mating? Shall our passion seek to satisfy itself through intellectual negotiation over dinner? Or, will it act out its underlying primal and prehistoric rage to consume and be consumed?

If most people most of the time are both spiritually and sexually ignorant, immature, and illiterate; dysfunctional relationship can be the only likely outcome. Real people need real information about real life to make real and informed decisions about spiritual and sexual life.

The stories of women and men in pain reveal the struggle for wholeness of spiritual and sexual life believing the two seek the same experience of communion connection to the Great Spirit from which life has come. The sacred joining of spirituality and sexuality is the medium through which life celebrates itself and provides fleeting moments of ecstatic joy that charge and energize the ones who share the experience.

We are hardwired and hotwired for the ultimate expression of our spirituality and sexuality in one dynamic interaction of energy seeking to resolve itself into the afterglow of a calm and quiet peace for a season.

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