Sunday, December 9, 2007

What Women Are You Meeting?

“Grace was in all her steps, Heav'n in her Eye, In every gesture dignity and love"

John Milton

A recent Saturday, I met three women. One was 86 named Georgette. One was 25 named Maria. One was 9 named Jenny. What women are you meeting?

A friend called and asked if I would take Georgette to Macy’s. To Macy’s, we went without wheel chair, walker, or cane. When we arrived, Georgette noticed a young woman and asked if she might help her. Her name is Maria. Maria is a cleaner who took time from her work to help. She made sure Georgette got to the right person. Maria’s outstanding service care and respect got my attention. We exchanged information and planned a time to meet.

I stopped at Blockbuster that evening. On the way in, I noticed a little girl with her mother standing at a discreet distance hustling something. I managed to maneuver past her on my way in. On my way out is another story. As I stepped through the door to dart to my car, the little one stepped to me.

“Sir,” she said. “My name is Jenny. I am here to raise money for my musical group to be able to travel and participate in a competition. You can help in two ways. You can pay $2 for a raffle ticket on a trip for two. You could get three for $5. The second way is you could simply make a donation to support our project. Which would you rather do?

Step inside my experience for a moment and experience my encounter with a 9 year old who is so organized in her approach, I no longer want to avoid her. I want to help her because she is good at what
she is doing. I make a donation to her cause and applaud her and her mother. Jenny is winner.

One day in a period of eight hours, I had the privilege of sharing with three incredible women. Georgette
is the classic woman with an eye for quality goods and service. She will accept nothing less. Maria is a powerful woman of outstanding service care and respect. She gives. Jenny is an enterprising woman clear on how to accomplish her goals. She is business. Our world is a better place for the three of them. What women are you meeting?

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