Saturday, December 1, 2007

Managing Your Emotions, Part Two

There's a way of life that looks harmless enough; look again - it leads straight to self - destruction.

Proverbs 14 vs 12
The Message (Paraphrased)

I promised I would lay out a plan for you to manage your emotions. I keep that promise, RIGHT NOW!

The way you think of yourself works for you or against you. You are what you think of yourself as winner or loser, or as someone you like or someone you do not like. You didn’t just wake up one morning and say I want to feel bad about myself. You had help. Influences in your life prompted you to feel this way.

Others influenced your early thoughts of yourself and you believed what they said. People who don’t get to feel good about themselves as children tend to grow up to be adults who don’t feel good about themselves. This sense of self kills more people than disease.

What do you want, a future as pain full as your past or something better? Do you want to have a better future managing your emotions or more of the same as usual? Do you want your future to be happy and success full? I hope you are screaming, YES!

OK. Here is the plan. This will work if you work it. I will help you accomplish this if you ask me. You will need friends, supporters, and cheerleaders. None of us succeed alone.

I don’t care if nobody likes you or you like yourself or not, you can re – write the script of your life and change your circumstances. Here’s one approach to the how.

1. Decide you want to live well.
2. Believe in your own power to create the life you dream.
3. Spend no time thinking about the negative experiences of your past.
4. Think only of the future you want.
5. Think of the new you that you want to become.
6. Design simple steps toward what you want to become. Be specific.
7. Visualizing the person you are creating yourself to be.
8. Be thankful you are now living out your own choices.
9. Act in your interests.
10. Live well and love well.

You can become the self and live out the future of your dreams. I know you can.

Live and love like you are running out of time. You really are!

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