Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Measuring Value By Numbers - Good or Evil?

Lao Tzu

Truth observed is a relative perception. Truth articulated is a relative projection. Trial by jury models the quest to realize truth and approximate the detail of legal incidents. The adversarial process between prosecuting and defending attorneys reveals an intense competition presented through argument for supremacy of point of view. Jurors sort through the arguments and evidence presented to assimilate the closest possible approximation of the facts. Decisions reached as a result of this process assert themselves as the only available conclusion.

Humanity’s activity since prehistory gives evidence of a continuing search to find what is not available to be found; an understanding of human existence and what gives human existence highest value. Highest value is determined by mathematical equation born to our system for processing. Numbers to the right of center on a horizontal line and up on a perpendicular line are considered positive numbers. Numbers to the left of center on a horizontal line and down on a perpendicular line are regarded to be negative numbers.

Positive is associated with good. Negative is associated with evil. It is through this system the values of good and evil are expressed. The notion of balance or the place of the middle where equal portions of influence are balanced is regarded the place of zero or the position of no value

The following examples cite the relationship between the perspectives good and evil. Prosperity is regarded to be good. Poverty is not. Forward is regarded to be good. Backward is not. Winning is regarded to be good. Losing is not. Powerful is regarded to be good. Powerless is not. This process is indigenous to cultures measuring value by numbers.

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