Sunday, November 25, 2007

Managing Our Emotions, Part One

By starving emotions we become humorless, rigid,and stereotyped; by repressing emotions we become literal, reformatory and holier-than-thou; encourage, emotions perfume life;

Joseph Collins

Do you give yourself permission to be emotional, to feel, or express your feelings? If you are female, the probability is high that you do. If you are male, the probability is high that you do not. These ideas are not absolute.

It does not matter whether the differences between how men and women process emotions and feelings is the result of nature or nurture. What matters is that we learn how in ways that result in emotional health.

Most of us have observed adults yelling at children. We may have had adults treat us like that when we were children and grown up thinking this kind of behavior was normal.

We have probably observed adults yelling at each other like they were insane. Some of us may have been a participant in this kind of behavior. Relationships of love between adults can end up living out this barbaric and immature behaviorally violent nightmare. What is going on here?

Gloria Steinem one said, “The truth will set you free after first really pissing you off”. Here is a truth that is not so convenient to borrow words from former Vice – President Gore’s Academy Award Winning Film, “An Inconvenient Truth”.

People who taught most of us the principles of love and relationship did not (themselves) know how. We learned what we saw does not work. We have to learn for ourselves how - to live, love, and be in loving productive relationships through the hard knocks science of personal development’s trial and error.

We must learn how to feel, experience emotion, and process our feelings without getting trapped inside their horrors and missing out on the love and beauty available to our lives. Next time I will bring you the how – to help yourself and others. Unless there are organic conditions for which a greater level of help is necessary, I promise you what I reveal to you will work, for your and all around you. This will work if you work it.

I hope for you all the love and achievement your heart desires.


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