Monday, November 12, 2007

Rest and Relax

"When you feed that need, it opens a door. Your best thoughts, your best ideas, come through relaxation and play."

Roberta Goheen

People who live by purposeful intention with thoughtful mindfulness for personal care, take time to rest and relax their minds and their bodies. What do you do?

On Sundays when I was a child, my family did no work. Sunday was meant for rest and relaxation or what is known in the 21st Century as chilling out.

We still managed our farm animals. We went to church. We visited with family and friends. We ate good food. We talked. We shared stories and dreams. It was good life for us in the 3rd Quarter of the 20th Century.

Since the invasion advent of technology into everyday life, there is little time to rest the body and even less to rest the mind. If it is Sunday, you know there is enough broadcast activity over radio, TV, the internet, and movie theaters to overload the mind. The latest movies are in first run. NASCAR is running somewhere and so is a conundrum of sporting events.

With average consumption of TV on weekends in excess of the hours in a standard work day, there is neither rest nor relaxation for the body or the mind. The day of the week originally designed and organized for rest to recharge is now a day charged by the free market economy that seeks to make consumer slaves out of volunteers even more than crack cocaine and methamphetamine.

People who live by purposeful intention with thoughtful mindfulness for personal care take time to rest and relax their minds and their bodies. What do you do?

1 comment:

Javad said...

peace be with you .
good luck
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