Sunday, November 18, 2007

LOVE Does Not Need a WHY!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Howard Thurman

Earlier, I recalled the times I should have died. I wondered why I had not died days after being born, having pneumonia, hanging, being hit in the head with an ax, a farm tractor turn over, being knifed, falling off a roof, nearly drowning, a murder attempt, and a near fatal car crash. I wish I could tell you this is fiction. It is my own story that is sometimes hard to look back over and believe even though I lived it out or survived it. I am a survivor, but why?

The why I have survived seems to have included saving a drunken airman who was face down on his burning pillow. Perhaps, it was to save the life of a beautiful European woman on a Greek Island when she overdosed. Perhaps, it was to save the life of a teen in Ohio with a suicide plan because his family treated him so badly. Perhaps, it was to save the life of a native woman in medical crisis? Perhaps, it was to save the lives of runaway girls from predators.

Love does not need a why. Something greater than me cares for me and has saved my life many times. In each case of my own survival, there was no logic to the why I had survived. All I know is that my saved life put me in the right place at the right time to save the lives of others.

I am alive to love and connect with others and for that I am extremely thankful. I am thankful to be connected to men and women who are loving and connecting to build a better world.

My high hope for you this week and for all around you; family and friends, is that you experience a moment’s touch of love in such a powerful way that you truly know you are alive to LOVE and feel love that is alive. I call that having an ENTHUSIASM. I hope there are so many for you that you find yourself faint from the experience. Live well and love well. Be thankful.

I am your friend who loves you. Welcome to the world we share. It is a great place.

Oscar Crawford

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