Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Lovemaking

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.

Albert Einstein

Sam Cooke used to sing a song called, “The Best Things in Life Are Free”. The moon belongs to everyone. The best things in life, they’re free. Stars belong to everyone. They cling there for you and for me. Flowers in spring, robins that sing, sun beams that shine, they’re yours and their mine ya’ll. The best tings in life, they’re free.

If you haven’t gotten your Christmas shopping thing done, I want to put a motion on the table. I have an idea whose time has come. Some of you are privileged to have this experience everyday. Others wish they could experience your privilege. When was the last time your sexual love was so good, you felt high like you were really on a drug in the afterglow you didn’t want to come down from? Would you like a gift like that for Christmas? Here’s the motion looking for a second.

While you are busy buying gifts for Christmas, I hope you are spending some time thinking about who you give your sexual love to. This Christmas make your sexual love to the ones you love a priority in your gift giving. Your love and the way you give your love are a gift. I hope the ones you love and give your sexual love are people who love you and are really important to you. If they are, then show them they are. Demonstrate with your body your highest level feeling of love and care. Be the best gift they have ever had the pleasure to experience. Make it so good it will be a moment you remember. Do it with gusto. Do it with so much energy and enthusiasm that when you remember the passion you shared through giving yourself as a gift to the ones you love, your mind and body feel the moment all over again. You are high and don’t want to come down again. You look at your slain lover and touch them with love. You look at yourself in the mirror glistening in the musk of calories well burned and feel good about it. You are the gift worth giving.

I move we get busy. Did I hear a second? The best things in life are free.

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