Sunday, January 6, 2008

Do You Know Vivian Abe?

Do you know Vivian Abe (AHH - BAY)? Tell her I search for her. I really want to see her to ask her forgiveness.

In a taverna on the Island of Crete, I met her. She showed up and sat by me. I tried to ignore her, but she wanted to talk.

Do you know Vivian Abe? I search for her.

I tried to be polite. I just waited for the moment to pass. As she left, she slipped me a napkin under my hand. When she had gone, I opened it. It said,

No one I know
perceives the love
I have inside.
Please come!
Please come!

Do you know Vivian Abe? Tell her I search for her.

The next year was an evolving love. We traveled Greece and Turkey. We flew. We sailed. We loved. At year’s end, Vivian had the opportunity to pursue a graduate degree in creative writing in San Francisco. When I think back, this was the moment I became a writer.

Do you know Vivian Abe? I search for her.

30 days later, I flew across the world to see her. I missed her. I loved her. I wanted to be where she was.

The night before my return to Greece, we were drunk of love on a bearskin rug by the fire listening to Isaac Hayes’ Hot Buttered Soul when she brought up the "M" word. I wasn’t mature enough to admit I wasn’t thinking marriage. I should’ve. I didn’t. I haven’t seen Vivian since.

I know I can't make up for the pain I caused. I can ask for forgiveness. I really want to see Vivian, talk, and learn all she’s accomplished in 35 years. I have commissioned others to help me find her and now I commission you. Find her and you will be rewarded.

Do you know Vivian Abe? Tell her I search for her.

If you still have some unfinished business in your life that you need to take care of, then get busy. Love yourself and others enough to take care of your business. It is the adult and loving thing to do.

Just so you will know, this is a true story. I am looking for Vivian Abe

Love somebody this week that needs and wants to be loved by you.

Love and Blessing to YOU all!


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