Sunday, January 20, 2008

Give Thanks for Unanswered Prayers

Garth Brooks sings a song called Unanswered Prayers when he remembers a woman he loved and wanted when he was in high school so bad he hurt inside. Years later, he saw her and was thankful his prayers had gone unanswered. His fantasy was gone.

Earlier today, I thought of others like you and me, I am sure are thankful things didn’t go their way. First, Emily (not her real name) was on her way to Guyana to join family members of The People’s Temple. Running late, she missed her plane. Disgusted and disappointed, news arrived to Emily that members of the People’s Temple in Jonestown Guyana had all participated in a mass suicide. Emily was thankful for unanswered prayers.

Second, Jerry (not his real name) was at war in Vietnam. One morning before sunrise while sleeping in a bunker with his unit, Jerry heard his wife’s voice say, “Get up and go outside.”

He got up and walked out. As soon as he cleared the bunker, a bomb hit it and killed everybody inside. He fell to his knees and later put in a call to his wife to let her know he was OK.

Another time, Jerry’s on a helicopter mission with his team. He hears his wife’s voice say, “Lean Forward.” As he leans forward, the soldier next to him is hit. Later, Jerry falls to his knees and then calls his wife.

After Vietnam, Jerry continues his federal government service. On April 19, 1995, Jerry wakes up a bit frustrated with his wife because he has over slept. All she could say was she believed she should let him sleep a little longer that morning. Jerry gets up, gets dressed, and gets on his way to work still frustrated because he will be late.

One block from work Jerry hears an explosion. The ground shakes. The Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City has been bombed. Jerry immediately returns home to hold his wife.

Today, I invite you to join me in taking time to give thanks for unanswered prayers and not getting the many things we wanted that were not in our. I am thankful for you and the privilege to connect with you this way. You are loved and very much appreciated.

Live Well and Love Well My Beautiful Friends and Loved Ones Like You Are Running Out Of Time. You Really Are.

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