Monday, October 22, 2007

What Is Real?

Honey, Be Who You Is!

21st Century marketing strategies and commercial ventures have convinced many living in Western Culture that it is OK to fake everything from designer jewelry and clothes to hair, and body parts. If I were single and in the market for a mate, I would all my lady candidates by asking how much of what I have the pleasure of observing is real and how much is not real or fake, just to be on the safe side and have no surprises later in the process.

In the movie, I’m Gonna Get You Sucka, a couple meet in a bar. They decide they will slip away and get busy. When they find a room, the man says, “Let’s just keep it real.”

The lady says, “Cool.” She then begins to discard all about her that is fake. Her wig flew. Her booty and her breasts disappeared. She took her fake eye out and discarded her prosthetic leg. She was just keeping it real.

While this behavior seems ridiculous in the extreme, how unusual is it, really? Any woman or man can have a big ole booty that wants one. Any man or woman can go from cup size A breasts to double D breasts that wants to? Booty and breast implants are really not fake once their implanted, right?

Heels make women taller and give their legs an appeal that standing flat footed can’t. Padded panties giving rise to attractive appealing hips and padded bras are just not fair. How many fellas have found a fella underneath all the padding?

From the botox face to sculpted noses, eyelash extensions, and colored contact lenses, what lies underneath the glitz? Guys, if I seemed heavy on the ladies, c’mere a minute.

Men wear shoes to appear taller and padded jackets to make our shoulders look broader. We seem to value tall. You can’t fake tall or long around bedtime.

What does it mean when it becomes the norm to fake everything from your name online to your name in Vegas, to every facet of your appearance? What does it really mean? What are we saying about ourselves and where does the madness stop?

Men and women pretend to be civilized and sophisticated, charming and kind. In reality, they are neither. How many times have you heard a married man or woman comment about their spouse being sensitive and caring before saying I do to observe them transform into demons from hell after the, I do?

Marvin Gaye used to sing, “Make me wannna holla, throw up both my hands.” Isn’t that how many of us have felt when we had to admit we had fallen for the fake out.

As little children, many of us played dress up and make believe. We loved it. It was fun to pretend to be something we were not. That is what we did as little children. Grown folks, that is what we did as little children.

I offer no value judgment here. Some of us need all the help we can get with our looks. We really do. OK, I am speaking about myself, but where does the fake end and the real begin?

The privilege of being an adult is not having to do anything you don’t want to do. You are grown. You can do whatever you want to do but I offer a caution and a suggestion. It can be summed up in what some of our grand mommas used to say to us, “Honey, be who you is.”

I want to build on that sage counsel and offer this caution and suggestion. Be who you are even if everything you are is not totally real. It is after all your life. Your behavior is your choice so long as your behaviors don’t harm others. Just don’t lose sight of who you really are in the dress up because after all that is the only relevant question isn’t it, who you really are. Who you really are is not fake. Who you really are is real.

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