Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Fall In Love Everyday


There is no accounting for love.

Colleen Huckabee

1950’s and 60’s soul balladeer Sam Cooke recorded a song entitled, “I Fall in Love Everyday.” I know because I was a teen in the late 1960’s. I bought the vinyl 45 and I wore it out on my record player playing it over and over.

It did something to me on the inside when I listened. It made me feel alive to hear someone sing what I seemed to always feel. Since my teen years, I have always found that I Fall in Love Everyday.

I never know who. I never know how. Some days the new ones to receive the attention of my affection are black. Some days they are white. Some days they are brown. Some days they are older. Some days they are younger. Some days they are thick. Some days they are thin.

None of that matters because I don’t pack the need for all love to lead to sex into the moment. All I know is that someone new will appear in my world for me to love them from my heart.

I, personally, fall in love everyday. I live expecting to attract someone new for me to immediately love from my heart without any expectation of reciprocal or mutual exchange.

Love is what I do because I am wired that way. I am thankful to be wired to be overtly and intentionally giving to empower, to inform, to inspire, and to entertain another or others.

My personal goal and love’s goal seem one. It is to bring the gift of joy to another or others for a moment or for a lifetime. The privilege of making new friends and building new relationships is the extraordinary reward and grace when living a life falling in love everyday. I am a witness.

My Prayer For Today: To live right and love right as I Fall in Love Everyday.

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