Friday, October 19, 2007

Missing Children in Ariz

My Friends:

I want you to know about this. I was in my local library for some time last night. While there, I witnessed two little girls trying to print some documents when the librarian began to speak to them very strongly. He said, "You are not going to get us with your little scam today saying
there is money on your card." My impulse was to help them get what they wanted but elected to stay out of it.

On my way out of the library, these two stepped to me and asked for a dollar to use the phone. I asked for the number they wanted and dialed. They spoke to people who it became clear to me were not coming to pick them up. It is dark. It is 8 PM and I am concerned.

I ask them to get the people they called back on the phone. I ask for the adult but a child is on the phone. I demand to speak to an adult.

The only adult present is supposed to be a man who is taking a bath and won't come to the phone. My concern shifts a gear.

I ask how old the girls are and indicate I am going to call the police so they can get home so they will be safe. The taller of the two and the apparent older says she is 15. She might have been 10.

I ask to see her ID and she begins to fumble in her pocket where there are cards but none gets shown to me. I now begin to make other considerations. The smaller is beginning to indicate to the older they should go and get away from me. The older says we will just take the bus where they are going.

I asked, "If you had no money for the phone, where does the money for the bus come from." The older admits she has lied and apologizes. I have multiple considerations. One is they are afraid there will be violent repercussions if others get them home.

The reality would prove to be much worse. I allowed them to leave. I got in my car and called
my personal private social worker, Bonnie.

I needed to know what the most appropriate should be. She advised I make the 911 report. I did and 3 hours later the Chandler Police called to report to me the children had been secured.
They were missing children from the Gila River Reservation. They had been returned to their families.

For me, it is not over. I will be talking to the Chandler Police again to give them the phone number they called because it was in the 520 area code. They did call someone and I did too on their behalf.

We all know this happens. How often does it happen just like this?

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