Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Friends and New Relationships

Hi. My name is Oscar and I would really like to get to know you. Yes, I really would. You are that important to me. There is exciting story in your life and I would like to learn about you and your exciting story.

I do my very best to intentionally and on purpose meet some new people, make some new friends, and build some new relationships everyday. I find life dull and boring when I am not meeting new people, or exploring my relationships with friends and family to make them better. Life feels good when I meet someone new, learn about them, and feel the powerful energy that comes from making new connections.

My family and I are excited everyday about the new people we are going to meet and can't wait to share with each other about the exciting women, men, and children we meet. When we get together, we compete for air time to talk to tell about who we have met. We love it.

When I meet a woman who is excited about her life, is enthusiastic about her relationships, and engaging life as an adventurer, that is exciting. That makes me happy. I love to meet people who are excited about their lives and their relationships.

When I meet someone like I have described, I am thankful. I do not take it for granted. I want to introduce him or her to everybody in my personal inner circle.

I believe life can be lived like this when we live by intention. I intend to meet someone new everyday. On purpose, I have my eyes open and my radar on. Who will it be? Where are they from? What has been their experience? What are their hobbies? What do they like to do for fun? Where have they traveled?

This makes life exciting. I do not do bored well and I never want to be boring. What about you? What are you bringing to the colorful mix of life? Are you bringing excitement and contagious enthusiasm?

We seem only to get from life what we bring to it. I want to encourage you to bring to life what you want from life. If you desire to be involved with loving and exciting people, become loving and exciting. Become and be the person others want to hang out with or be in the company of. You can do this. I know you can.

Hi. My name is Oscar and I would really like to get to know you. Yes, I really would. You are that important to me.

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