Monday, October 15, 2007

Seven Signs That You Are Loved

If I could share with you ways to always get your real needs for true love met all the time, would that interest you? If you could learn ways how to love that always work, would you try them?

Come here for a minute and get a word that cannot let you down because the outcome is always on you. It will be whatever you decide. Now if you are a people user and a playa hata, this is not for you. This is for the mature who want to love well and get it right.

India Arie sings, “If you know yourself, then you would know me very well”. Her words are powerful. They speak of love that could be if lovers were willing first to know themselves well.

The following seven signs will teach you how to get the love you want if you can first become the love you want. Know yourself. Be honest with yourself about yourself and you will know others and what they want very well.

7 Signs That You Are Loved

The one who loves you helps you love yourself.
The one who loves you does not try to recreate you in their image.
The one who loves you is your biggest fan.
The one who loves you offers you the gift of the intimate physical nurturing when you desire for you to enjoy.
The one who loves you trusts you with others, men or women.
The one who loves you asks for little other than constant appreciation for their gift of love and self.
The one who loves you is clear on their relational priorities: God, Self, You – Others. They cannot give what they do not possess.

Do these seven things and you cannot lose. You become the extraordinary lover of the one you love, who gives you love in every imaginable way for you to be nurtured and feel the power of feeling good. It only requires the developed maturity of being honest with yourself and the one you would have receive your love, share your love, and give you good love.

If you don’t mind, I really have to go, I’m going to get with the one who loves me. Until next time, good loving to you and the one you love.

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