Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Fall In Love Everyday


There is no accounting for love.

Colleen Huckabee

1950’s and 60’s soul balladeer Sam Cooke recorded a song entitled, “I Fall in Love Everyday.” I know because I was a teen in the late 1960’s. I bought the vinyl 45 and I wore it out on my record player playing it over and over.

It did something to me on the inside when I listened. It made me feel alive to hear someone sing what I seemed to always feel. Since my teen years, I have always found that I Fall in Love Everyday.

I never know who. I never know how. Some days the new ones to receive the attention of my affection are black. Some days they are white. Some days they are brown. Some days they are older. Some days they are younger. Some days they are thick. Some days they are thin.

None of that matters because I don’t pack the need for all love to lead to sex into the moment. All I know is that someone new will appear in my world for me to love them from my heart.

I, personally, fall in love everyday. I live expecting to attract someone new for me to immediately love from my heart without any expectation of reciprocal or mutual exchange.

Love is what I do because I am wired that way. I am thankful to be wired to be overtly and intentionally giving to empower, to inform, to inspire, and to entertain another or others.

My personal goal and love’s goal seem one. It is to bring the gift of joy to another or others for a moment or for a lifetime. The privilege of making new friends and building new relationships is the extraordinary reward and grace when living a life falling in love everyday. I am a witness.

My Prayer For Today: To live right and love right as I Fall in Love Everyday.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What Is Real?

Honey, Be Who You Is!

21st Century marketing strategies and commercial ventures have convinced many living in Western Culture that it is OK to fake everything from designer jewelry and clothes to hair, and body parts. If I were single and in the market for a mate, I would all my lady candidates by asking how much of what I have the pleasure of observing is real and how much is not real or fake, just to be on the safe side and have no surprises later in the process.

In the movie, I’m Gonna Get You Sucka, a couple meet in a bar. They decide they will slip away and get busy. When they find a room, the man says, “Let’s just keep it real.”

The lady says, “Cool.” She then begins to discard all about her that is fake. Her wig flew. Her booty and her breasts disappeared. She took her fake eye out and discarded her prosthetic leg. She was just keeping it real.

While this behavior seems ridiculous in the extreme, how unusual is it, really? Any woman or man can have a big ole booty that wants one. Any man or woman can go from cup size A breasts to double D breasts that wants to? Booty and breast implants are really not fake once their implanted, right?

Heels make women taller and give their legs an appeal that standing flat footed can’t. Padded panties giving rise to attractive appealing hips and padded bras are just not fair. How many fellas have found a fella underneath all the padding?

From the botox face to sculpted noses, eyelash extensions, and colored contact lenses, what lies underneath the glitz? Guys, if I seemed heavy on the ladies, c’mere a minute.

Men wear shoes to appear taller and padded jackets to make our shoulders look broader. We seem to value tall. You can’t fake tall or long around bedtime.

What does it mean when it becomes the norm to fake everything from your name online to your name in Vegas, to every facet of your appearance? What does it really mean? What are we saying about ourselves and where does the madness stop?

Men and women pretend to be civilized and sophisticated, charming and kind. In reality, they are neither. How many times have you heard a married man or woman comment about their spouse being sensitive and caring before saying I do to observe them transform into demons from hell after the, I do?

Marvin Gaye used to sing, “Make me wannna holla, throw up both my hands.” Isn’t that how many of us have felt when we had to admit we had fallen for the fake out.

As little children, many of us played dress up and make believe. We loved it. It was fun to pretend to be something we were not. That is what we did as little children. Grown folks, that is what we did as little children.

I offer no value judgment here. Some of us need all the help we can get with our looks. We really do. OK, I am speaking about myself, but where does the fake end and the real begin?

The privilege of being an adult is not having to do anything you don’t want to do. You are grown. You can do whatever you want to do but I offer a caution and a suggestion. It can be summed up in what some of our grand mommas used to say to us, “Honey, be who you is.”

I want to build on that sage counsel and offer this caution and suggestion. Be who you are even if everything you are is not totally real. It is after all your life. Your behavior is your choice so long as your behaviors don’t harm others. Just don’t lose sight of who you really are in the dress up because after all that is the only relevant question isn’t it, who you really are. Who you really are is not fake. Who you really are is real.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Missing Children in Arizona Followup

I just followed up with the Chandler Arizona Police to give them the phone number I let the girls call from my phone. I went over the conversation I had with the child who said an adult male was bathing and would not come to the phone.

They confirmed to me that they had after confirming them missing presented them to the Gila River Tribal Police who then got them to their family who had reported them missing. Now, I must commit the girls to prayer now and be thankful they are alive. I am thankful.

Missing Children in Ariz

My Friends:

I want you to know about this. I was in my local library for some time last night. While there, I witnessed two little girls trying to print some documents when the librarian began to speak to them very strongly. He said, "You are not going to get us with your little scam today saying
there is money on your card." My impulse was to help them get what they wanted but elected to stay out of it.

On my way out of the library, these two stepped to me and asked for a dollar to use the phone. I asked for the number they wanted and dialed. They spoke to people who it became clear to me were not coming to pick them up. It is dark. It is 8 PM and I am concerned.

I ask them to get the people they called back on the phone. I ask for the adult but a child is on the phone. I demand to speak to an adult.

The only adult present is supposed to be a man who is taking a bath and won't come to the phone. My concern shifts a gear.

I ask how old the girls are and indicate I am going to call the police so they can get home so they will be safe. The taller of the two and the apparent older says she is 15. She might have been 10.

I ask to see her ID and she begins to fumble in her pocket where there are cards but none gets shown to me. I now begin to make other considerations. The smaller is beginning to indicate to the older they should go and get away from me. The older says we will just take the bus where they are going.

I asked, "If you had no money for the phone, where does the money for the bus come from." The older admits she has lied and apologizes. I have multiple considerations. One is they are afraid there will be violent repercussions if others get them home.

The reality would prove to be much worse. I allowed them to leave. I got in my car and called
my personal private social worker, Bonnie.

I needed to know what the most appropriate should be. She advised I make the 911 report. I did and 3 hours later the Chandler Police called to report to me the children had been secured.
They were missing children from the Gila River Reservation. They had been returned to their families.

For me, it is not over. I will be talking to the Chandler Police again to give them the phone number they called because it was in the 520 area code. They did call someone and I did too on their behalf.

We all know this happens. How often does it happen just like this?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Seven Signs That You Are Loved

If I could share with you ways to always get your real needs for true love met all the time, would that interest you? If you could learn ways how to love that always work, would you try them?

Come here for a minute and get a word that cannot let you down because the outcome is always on you. It will be whatever you decide. Now if you are a people user and a playa hata, this is not for you. This is for the mature who want to love well and get it right.

India Arie sings, “If you know yourself, then you would know me very well”. Her words are powerful. They speak of love that could be if lovers were willing first to know themselves well.

The following seven signs will teach you how to get the love you want if you can first become the love you want. Know yourself. Be honest with yourself about yourself and you will know others and what they want very well.

7 Signs That You Are Loved

The one who loves you helps you love yourself.
The one who loves you does not try to recreate you in their image.
The one who loves you is your biggest fan.
The one who loves you offers you the gift of the intimate physical nurturing when you desire for you to enjoy.
The one who loves you trusts you with others, men or women.
The one who loves you asks for little other than constant appreciation for their gift of love and self.
The one who loves you is clear on their relational priorities: God, Self, You – Others. They cannot give what they do not possess.

Do these seven things and you cannot lose. You become the extraordinary lover of the one you love, who gives you love in every imaginable way for you to be nurtured and feel the power of feeling good. It only requires the developed maturity of being honest with yourself and the one you would have receive your love, share your love, and give you good love.

If you don’t mind, I really have to go, I’m going to get with the one who loves me. Until next time, good loving to you and the one you love.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Friends and New Relationships

Hi. My name is Oscar and I would really like to get to know you. Yes, I really would. You are that important to me. There is exciting story in your life and I would like to learn about you and your exciting story.

I do my very best to intentionally and on purpose meet some new people, make some new friends, and build some new relationships everyday. I find life dull and boring when I am not meeting new people, or exploring my relationships with friends and family to make them better. Life feels good when I meet someone new, learn about them, and feel the powerful energy that comes from making new connections.

My family and I are excited everyday about the new people we are going to meet and can't wait to share with each other about the exciting women, men, and children we meet. When we get together, we compete for air time to talk to tell about who we have met. We love it.

When I meet a woman who is excited about her life, is enthusiastic about her relationships, and engaging life as an adventurer, that is exciting. That makes me happy. I love to meet people who are excited about their lives and their relationships.

When I meet someone like I have described, I am thankful. I do not take it for granted. I want to introduce him or her to everybody in my personal inner circle.

I believe life can be lived like this when we live by intention. I intend to meet someone new everyday. On purpose, I have my eyes open and my radar on. Who will it be? Where are they from? What has been their experience? What are their hobbies? What do they like to do for fun? Where have they traveled?

This makes life exciting. I do not do bored well and I never want to be boring. What about you? What are you bringing to the colorful mix of life? Are you bringing excitement and contagious enthusiasm?

We seem only to get from life what we bring to it. I want to encourage you to bring to life what you want from life. If you desire to be involved with loving and exciting people, become loving and exciting. Become and be the person others want to hang out with or be in the company of. You can do this. I know you can.

Hi. My name is Oscar and I would really like to get to know you. Yes, I really would. You are that important to me.