Saturday, December 29, 2007

Spirituality and Sexuality - Hardwired and Hotwired

Humans are hardwired and hotwired to express our spiritual and sexual nature from the cradle to the grave. We sit the top of the brain chain, spiritual and civilized, ready for every moment’s human and divine connection for a moment’s ecstasy. Hormones on fire are at the ready to get busy. This is who we are. This is what we do. The Creator has created us this way.

Spirituality and Sexuality are the great energies that empower and liberate the human spirit alive in our bodies to experience indescribable joy and sensory immortality. These are the paths of enlightened love, life, and peace. Sex and religion are about power and control, the paths of energy leading to slavery and addiction. Sex is the medium of the market place where the beauty of women’s bodies is used to sell every imaginable product.

Who teaches us how to live out this powerful energy alive inside us seeking expression? Why is the conversation of spirituality and sexuality’s most literal context, the place where most of us live and try to make sense out of our lives everyday, so difficult for many? Why must so many children grow up spiritually and sexually ignorant become spiritually and sexually ignorant adults.

How is our powerful spiritual and sexual energy to be factored into our quest for mating? Shall our passion seek to satisfy itself through intellectual negotiation over dinner? Or, will it act out its underlying primal and prehistoric rage to consume and be consumed?

If most people most of the time are both spiritually and sexually ignorant, immature, and illiterate; dysfunctional relationship can be the only likely outcome. Real people need real information about real life to make real and informed decisions about spiritual and sexual life.

The stories of women and men in pain reveal the struggle for wholeness of spiritual and sexual life believing the two seek the same experience of communion connection to the Great Spirit from which life has come. The sacred joining of spirituality and sexuality is the medium through which life celebrates itself and provides fleeting moments of ecstatic joy that charge and energize the ones who share the experience.

We are hardwired and hotwired for the ultimate expression of our spirituality and sexuality in one dynamic interaction of energy seeking to resolve itself into the afterglow of a calm and quiet peace for a season.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Miss Joy's Christmas Gift

Once upon a time in a very small town on the edge of poverty, there lived a woman who had the most beautiful flowers in her garden and all around her house. Every summer people came to see her flowers and maybe, just maybe, catch a glimpse of her.

She was a beautiful woman. She was a small one and a not very tall one. Maybe she was five feet two or three and a handful more than a hundred pounds.

Her skin looked liked it had been kissed by the sun. It glistened like she had been honey glazed.

To all of us on the edge of poverty, the notion good things come in small packages was never truer than with Miss Joy. That's what we called her because nobody really knew her name. She was a sweet woman some believed had come directly from the lake.

We called her Miss Joy. That's how everybody said they felt after passing by and seeing her for a minute from a distance.

Every time people saw her or just her garden, they walked away with greater hope for life like the image of Miss Joy and her garden walked on with them as they walked away. That way whenever they would feel a little bit sad, all they would have to do is remember Miss Joy, feel better and be able to go on a little further.

It was never more beautiful at Miss Joy's than at Christmas time. The curtains on her pretty front window would be opened for all to see her Christmas Tree. It looked like all on stars on sale. In the wintertime darkness, it glowed like something magical.

Just like in summer, people passing by would stop their cars on the side of the road. They would get out and stand and just take in the sight like it was one of the great wonders of the world. I guess, to folks who lived on the edge of poverty; Miss Joy and her works of beauty were great wonders.

I was there more than everybody. I would always wait until she would come to the window and wave before I would go home. I sort of imagined myself looking after Miss Joy. I never did see anybody else there with her.She didn't come to the window everyday. I figured those days she was just too tired.

Other times she would wave from the window every thirty minutes. After she would come and wave to everybody, whoever was there would slowly begin to thin out and leave.

I always stayed the longest. Somehow I really did think of myself as Miss Joy's personal guardian.

My parents had accepted this as something I was going to do. They never stopped me or even asked me why I did it. It was as if they knew this was something I had to do.

The greatest Christmas ever was the Christmas Eve Miss Joy came to the door and opened it to wave. As soon as she waved, people scattered like they had received the preacher's blessing at church when it was time to go home.

For some reason, while she was turning to go back into the house; just as she was closing the door, she didn't close it. She turned back around and looked out directly at where I was standing.

All I was waiting for was for her to go in. I would know she was safe. Then I would go home to be with my family.

I wasn't expecting what happened next. Miss Joy motioned for me to come to her. I wasn't prepared for this. Guardians don't talk to those they stand watch for. The honor is in the watching, the service itself. I was satisfied just to do it.

When I got to her door, I said, "Yes Ma'am".

"Young man," she said. "How long have you been standing watch over me these many years?

How could she know I thought I was watching for her, I thought? And then I accepted there was really no way she could not know."

About ten years, Miss Joy," I said.

"Miss Joy, so you think that is my name, too, do you?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," I said to her as politely as I knew how to.

"Young man, what is your name?" she asked.

"My name, you want to know my name?" the beautiful queen living among so many who are ordinary wants to know my name, I asked with surprise all in my voice.

"Yes, I would," she said.

"My name is Reca, (ray KAH) Reca Celar," (kay - LARR) I told her.

"Would you like to come in Reca?" she asked me.

Thinking to myself, I didn't know what to do or what to say. How do I enter this castle, this living shrine? It is not my place. Who am I to enter such a place?

"I am inviting you in Reca," Miss Joy said. "Well! Are you going to stand there and think about it and keep me in the cold or are you going to come in and learn about who you have been watching over all this time?" she asked.

I decided I should go in. When I got in, I didn't understand what I saw.

There was a very large room. In it was the beautiful Christmas Tree everybody could see through the window.

Seeing it on this side of the window caused it to lose something I enjoyed from the outside looking in. It was clear I was about to learn something I should have known but did not know.

The tree stood there alone, beautiful and bright, giving off the light that inspires and had inspired so many over the years living on the edge of poverty. Could this also be the life of Miss Joy, beautiful and inspiring, but alone behind these walls living in an open empty space?

While I was standing looking at the great tree, Miss Joy had gone in and out of the room without my notice. I really am some kind of a great watcher.

She had brought me tea, chamomile tea. She told me it would calm my spirit and we could talk. She led me into another room.

It was her small sitting room just off the great open and empty room. There she began just to talk to me and offered me lessons I yet am honored to live.

She told me that from this moment, I was relieved, as her watcher. It was time for another to come. I didn't like the sound of what I was hearing.She told me I had been faithful to my task without knowing why. I had stood watch without ever asking for anything. I didn't want to stop now. She knew my happiness had been to stand watch.

I wish there had been time to think between her sentences and just look at her. All I know is that I know now why I have watched over her all these years. I love her, not so much for her but what it does for me to love her.

I sipped on the tea and it did make me calm. From the inside out, I slowed. I breathed deeper. The deeper I breathed the calmer I became.

When it looked like I wanted to speak, she kissed her forefinger, touched it to my lips and just smiled, "shhhhh." I'm slain.

My eighteen years had not prepared me for feeling what I'm feeling. Feeling was what I had heard other people did who could afford it. Most people living on the edge of poverty couldn't afford the luxury of feelings. It cost too much.

She went on to tell me that it was time for me to go and be a watcher in the larger world. I didn't understand at first.

She told me the task would now require me to help beauty escape its prison walls to have its own life. I wondered where Miss Joy wanted me to take her. I would have done anything for her.

She said, "I would love to have left these walls a long time ago but I could not. It was mine to stay here and bring joy to others living on the edge of poverty in their minds."

"Reca," she said as she looked way past straight into my eyes, "what is in our minds, we make real.

Poverty like all others things is a great illusion that requires our agreement. I am sending you out now to convince many others not to agree and to step beyond their limits. More than anything I want you to help others know they can do anything they put their minds to.

In all of us the Creator has made women is much more than our capacity to serve and wait on everybody. We also deserve attention. We deserve to be served, loved and respected for what we think, what we dream and what we can do.

That is now your task, Reca Celar. Yours is to love the many, just like you have loved me, the one. Watch for them and teach them to watch for themselves and each other. Teach them by your example. Make friends with others who want to make this world a beautiful garden for all to enjoy without having to go to someone else's house to look for it. Teach them that beauty is already in them right where they are. You can do this. I know you can."

The strangest thing of all happened when she finished speaking. She stepped away again for a moment. This time she didn't bring more tea. She brought a sword.

"Kneel Reca Celar before all you have loved from childhood to manhood," she spoke sounding like royalty.

I found no reason not to trust Miss Joy, whose real name I do not yet know. I kneeled.

She touched the sword to my right and to my left. When she had finished, she prayed for me, for my protection as she sends me out to model the love I have learned watching over her.

She prayed for women who are left alone and forgotten about in the prisons of their solitary and lonely beauty. She prayed that they might be free to reach for their dreams.

She prayed for women who are different by color and design that they might know their own beauty and follow their hearts.When she was finished, she told me to rise.

She presented to me the Sword. She called it the Sword of Reca Celar. I bowed my head towards her in honor.

"Your real name Miss Joy, what is it?" I asked.

She leaned to whisper in my ear and spoke a name I am never to repeat but to myself when I am weary. I am alive in the most perfect moment. I have watched for no reward but the privilege to watch. This Christmas, the task has grown.

Miss Joy put her arms around me and kissed me. She hugged me and held me tight in her arms. She closed her eyes. Then I closed mine. It felt like we became one breath and one heartbeat.

An angel was hugging me. I am holding her, this wonderful warm and beautiful angel in my arms. I wanted to pinch myself to see if I was still real. The most beautiful woman in my world the whole world loves me. This love will last me a lifetime. I will live in this moment every moment and share it.

Her blessing was complete. I no longer stand alone on the outside looking in. From the living lips of power, Miss Joy has spoken me to love and life. My time has come. I have clear purpose I must live out. Miss Joy held my hand tight like she was never going to let it go even as she told me to go and love many like I love her. I am to free beauty from the gardens of aloneness and loneliness.

Her last request of me was to remember her with love. How could I not? These are the words she spoke so gently as if she breathed them directly into my heart, "When you experience beauty, remember me Reca. When you have quiet moments in your own garden, remember me, with love. Remember this night. Remember your sword. Remember your mission.

Remember this Christmas tree. All these and my love are Miss Joy's Christmas Gift to you.

This tree is an evergreen. It is a symbol of the eternal. Only what loves does lasts Reca. There is a world Reca that lies beyond the edge of poverty. It is a lovely evergreen garden world. Do not let what your eyes see or ears hear fool you. It is a lovely evergreen world.

Just like this Christmas tree is clothed in lights of many colors, so the lovely evergreen garden world is clothed in a coat of many colors. With the power and gift of your love, free beauty to live and to love. You can free beauty to be more than what people see and take from. You can free to live out her hopes and dreams. You can free beauty to be fully alive, to love and experience.

"Miss Joy's last words to me were the ones I knew would come and the ones I dreaded to hear most came when she said with waterfalls in her eyes, "I love you Reca Celar. Thank you for honoring me with your love. I will continue to be loved by you through your loving many others. Only what loves does lasts. Merry Christmas Reca Celar."

This work is protected by copyright law and may not be used under any conditon with written permission of the copyright holder.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Lovemaking

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.

Albert Einstein

Sam Cooke used to sing a song called, “The Best Things in Life Are Free”. The moon belongs to everyone. The best things in life, they’re free. Stars belong to everyone. They cling there for you and for me. Flowers in spring, robins that sing, sun beams that shine, they’re yours and their mine ya’ll. The best tings in life, they’re free.

If you haven’t gotten your Christmas shopping thing done, I want to put a motion on the table. I have an idea whose time has come. Some of you are privileged to have this experience everyday. Others wish they could experience your privilege. When was the last time your sexual love was so good, you felt high like you were really on a drug in the afterglow you didn’t want to come down from? Would you like a gift like that for Christmas? Here’s the motion looking for a second.

While you are busy buying gifts for Christmas, I hope you are spending some time thinking about who you give your sexual love to. This Christmas make your sexual love to the ones you love a priority in your gift giving. Your love and the way you give your love are a gift. I hope the ones you love and give your sexual love are people who love you and are really important to you. If they are, then show them they are. Demonstrate with your body your highest level feeling of love and care. Be the best gift they have ever had the pleasure to experience. Make it so good it will be a moment you remember. Do it with gusto. Do it with so much energy and enthusiasm that when you remember the passion you shared through giving yourself as a gift to the ones you love, your mind and body feel the moment all over again. You are high and don’t want to come down again. You look at your slain lover and touch them with love. You look at yourself in the mirror glistening in the musk of calories well burned and feel good about it. You are the gift worth giving.

I move we get busy. Did I hear a second? The best things in life are free.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

What Women Are You Meeting?

“Grace was in all her steps, Heav'n in her Eye, In every gesture dignity and love"

John Milton

A recent Saturday, I met three women. One was 86 named Georgette. One was 25 named Maria. One was 9 named Jenny. What women are you meeting?

A friend called and asked if I would take Georgette to Macy’s. To Macy’s, we went without wheel chair, walker, or cane. When we arrived, Georgette noticed a young woman and asked if she might help her. Her name is Maria. Maria is a cleaner who took time from her work to help. She made sure Georgette got to the right person. Maria’s outstanding service care and respect got my attention. We exchanged information and planned a time to meet.

I stopped at Blockbuster that evening. On the way in, I noticed a little girl with her mother standing at a discreet distance hustling something. I managed to maneuver past her on my way in. On my way out is another story. As I stepped through the door to dart to my car, the little one stepped to me.

“Sir,” she said. “My name is Jenny. I am here to raise money for my musical group to be able to travel and participate in a competition. You can help in two ways. You can pay $2 for a raffle ticket on a trip for two. You could get three for $5. The second way is you could simply make a donation to support our project. Which would you rather do?

Step inside my experience for a moment and experience my encounter with a 9 year old who is so organized in her approach, I no longer want to avoid her. I want to help her because she is good at what
she is doing. I make a donation to her cause and applaud her and her mother. Jenny is winner.

One day in a period of eight hours, I had the privilege of sharing with three incredible women. Georgette
is the classic woman with an eye for quality goods and service. She will accept nothing less. Maria is a powerful woman of outstanding service care and respect. She gives. Jenny is an enterprising woman clear on how to accomplish her goals. She is business. Our world is a better place for the three of them. What women are you meeting?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Managing Your Emotions, Part Two

There's a way of life that looks harmless enough; look again - it leads straight to self - destruction.

Proverbs 14 vs 12
The Message (Paraphrased)

I promised I would lay out a plan for you to manage your emotions. I keep that promise, RIGHT NOW!

The way you think of yourself works for you or against you. You are what you think of yourself as winner or loser, or as someone you like or someone you do not like. You didn’t just wake up one morning and say I want to feel bad about myself. You had help. Influences in your life prompted you to feel this way.

Others influenced your early thoughts of yourself and you believed what they said. People who don’t get to feel good about themselves as children tend to grow up to be adults who don’t feel good about themselves. This sense of self kills more people than disease.

What do you want, a future as pain full as your past or something better? Do you want to have a better future managing your emotions or more of the same as usual? Do you want your future to be happy and success full? I hope you are screaming, YES!

OK. Here is the plan. This will work if you work it. I will help you accomplish this if you ask me. You will need friends, supporters, and cheerleaders. None of us succeed alone.

I don’t care if nobody likes you or you like yourself or not, you can re – write the script of your life and change your circumstances. Here’s one approach to the how.

1. Decide you want to live well.
2. Believe in your own power to create the life you dream.
3. Spend no time thinking about the negative experiences of your past.
4. Think only of the future you want.
5. Think of the new you that you want to become.
6. Design simple steps toward what you want to become. Be specific.
7. Visualizing the person you are creating yourself to be.
8. Be thankful you are now living out your own choices.
9. Act in your interests.
10. Live well and love well.

You can become the self and live out the future of your dreams. I know you can.

Live and love like you are running out of time. You really are!