Sunday, March 30, 2008

One Hour of Righteous Darkness

“Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness.”

Leonardo da Vinci

The people of United Earth demonstrated community March 28th at 8 PM in every time zone. The people were asked to participate in a voluntary black out for one hour. People were asked to turn off power not necessary to sustain human life.

From space, it appeared as if the lights were being dimmed one continent at the time as observers from the international space station looked down upon the beautiful garden world that is home to more than six billion citizens.
With the darkness came a still quietness and a slowing of human activity. For one moment of one hour, 60 minutes, 3600 seconds; the people of United Earth contemplated themselves, their thoughts of their lives, their loves, their families, the meaning of life.

Some enjoyed seductive moments to connect in the most intimate of ways like talking, seeing each other in candle light, enjoying great sex with the lights out; anything for the benefit of all humanity. Others stargazed, enjoyed favorite beverages and dreamed of a world at peace and prosperity where there is no war, no sex slave trade, no disease epidemics, no homelessness, no famine, and no illiteracy.

For one hour of righteous darkness, my wife Bonnie and I sat in a still calm quiet peace reflecting our 20 years together. We had sacrificed two of our favorite weekly sitcoms and the final minutes of he NCAA Tourney game between North Carolina and Louisville.

Our grandfather clock reminded us every time 15 minutes had passed and the hour seemed to be passing so quickly. We enjoyed the moment of shared thoughts of our travels, our children, and our grand children. We spoke of our yet unfolding dreams to be realized. The 30 minute and the 45 minute sound of the clock passed. We
breathed in the moment of shared temporal communion with all of Planet Earth. It felt good.

When the hour was becoming complete the calmest moment descended. The clock began it series of strikes to the hour; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. It was 9 PM. The shared moment was complete. We enjoyed this experience and plan to spend more time sharing of one hour of righteous darkness. What did you do in the shared moment of darkness?

Monday, March 3, 2008

After The Tears

Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.

Charles Dickens

After the rain, the Earth is refreshed. Mother is calm, quiet, and still. The air is clear. It is time for peaceful reflection. It is a time of new beginning.

After the tears, the body is refreshed. Soul is calm, quiet, and still. Thoughts are clear. Focus is keen. It is time for peaceful reflection. Hope is reborn. It is a moment of new beginning.

Dreams like a Phoenix’s ashes come back to life. Goals are set. Plans are made. Life is going somewhere again.

The path to healing’s growth and development always involves pain. First, there is the admission and acceptance that our current miserable condition is unacceptable. Second, there is the pain of overcoming the familiar inertia that wants to keep us right where we are, miserable. Third, there is the pain of doing the work necessary to achieve personal healing. Healing is always personal because nothing is real until it is personal. Fourth, there is the pain to maintain your healing because the past will try to pull you back.

The path to healing always involves pain. Birth is a painful messy experience yielding great beauty that cannot adequately be described. When a new baby arrives crying, it is a moment of tears for mother, father, and child.

Mother and father are thankful. To the child, it is all new.

It will be the same with your healing. You have never been here before. It is all new. After your tears, your new life as a healed person will begin.

The Phoenix must burst into flame, die, and be reborn from its ashes; us too!

What will you do with your new life? It has been said the best time to plan for peace is during the time of war.

Will you wear new clothes?

Will you wear a new attitude?

How will you celebrate your healing?

How will you protect your healing?

Are you willing to give up who you are to become who you desire to be?

If your answer is yes, you are ready for your healing to begin.

The MISSION of 40 DAYS of HEALING is to provide you information that will help you get well and stay well physically and emotionally.


A Time To Cry

Tears are the silent language of grief.


It is probably is a good time to feel and experience the result of feeling. It is amazing how well humans have been designed. When our pain and our grief become too much to bear, we have a built safety valve to vent the weight of our souls looking for relief.

Pressure cookers were used where I grew up to can food to have on hand for winter. My mother would put quart jars inside the pressure cooker to seal in her investment. When the heat under the pressure cooker exceeded its capacity to hold heat inside, it would whistle and vent excess heat.

We, human beings, have internal sensors to accomplish the same thing. When our emotional pain has become more than we can bear, a valve opens and we cry. We cry tears unless our need to control is so excessive we do not allow ourselves the privilege.

What happens to a pressure cooker that can’t vent its excess heat? It explodes? What happens to a person who refuses the release of pain through crying tears?

First, they suffer the indignity of violent angry external outbursts, explosions, as it were at others who usually have nothing to do with their personal pain. Second, they suffer the unnecessary internal explosion of implosion. The pent up emotional energy is going somewhere. In either of these contexts, it is not in the interest of the person in pain.

It is believed that one of the attributes of the woman’s beauty is in the ability to cry easily. I honor the ability to accomplish the feat. In crying, the shedding of tears, a peaceful internal comfort is derived with the release of the pain.

I have learned over these many years that when my emotional pain becomes too great, I need to be smart enough to allow my system to do what it needs to do, to cleanse.

We can get well. We can heal but not without passing the way of tears.

Are you ready to be free of your emotional pain?

Do you need to cry away a lifetime’s pent up pain?

Have you ever noticed how much freer you breathe after a good cry?

Have you ever read poetry created in the bath of tears?

Are you ready to write some?

Are you ready to cry?


Help Comes When You Call

There is no love which does not become help.

Paul Tillich

Why is it that when people are drowning they have no problem calling out for help? They scream loud. HELP! HELP! There is no thought for who knows or who is looking.

Why is it when some of us need help we are too proud to ask for it? Is pride or the image of pride so important we had rather maintain our sickness or sick conditions than get the help we desperately need?

The man who is being beat up regularly by his wife or girlfriend may be too ashamed to let anyone know. The depressed person seldom calls out for help. The addicted seldom call out for help. The lonely seldom call out for help.

Is it that people (we) really enjoy suffering so much or is it that we are too afraid to expose our inadequacies thinking others will think less of us when we do? Or, are we so connected to our problems that we are unwilling to give them up? Is it possible our identities are so tied to our problems we wouldn’t know who we are without them?

If you could choose right now to experience total healing from the conditions that cause you suffering and make you miserable, would you? Could you step beyond your pride, fear, and shame enough to get better? If it were that easy you would probably have already taken action on your own.

Your desire for healing is a very necessary first step. Asking for help is next. Difficult steps follow. Disclosure is not optional. What you can do in the meantime is talk to someone you trust. It will be necessary to tell someone your concern.

Talk to someone. Talk to them now. Get the emotional weight off yourself. You were never meant to carry it alone. Let someone love you enough to help.

Are you now ready to totally disclose to another person the nature of your concern?

Are you ready to begin your healing by building the foundation of the person you desire to become?

Are you ready to allow someone else to help you carry your load?

Are you ready to love yourself to health?

The MISSION of Inspirations for HEALING is to provide you information that will help you get well and stay well physically and emotionally.